Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Times...

This is Alan and I playing Wii "Just Dance" the looks of the photo who do you think was doing it right???? And who would you think was the winner...???? Me? NOOOO Alan won~WHATEVER! LOL he cheats.

I was showing everyone how it was comical!

This cracks me up when Sugar sits like this on Alan! Look she even covered up her girlie parts! Such a lady!!! LOL
Just chilling out watching TV! LOL GOOFS

Angela wiping down after a Just Dance Competition

Crazy kids...playing WAR! LOL

Darcy and Tom snuggling on the couch!

Kiera and Tom cuddling on the couch!

Sugar PEACE OUT after a long day of partying...she was zonked and we were all up playing Just Dance still --- she can sleep through anything just like her dad!

I love this picture of Kiera and Tom! So happy they could come stay!

Well --- turkey neck much Mandi? GEEZ

Kiera cheesing for the camera!

My new favorite treat to make!!! Brownie Truffles!

Kiera and Tom came into town Saturday...we got to hang out with them for a few hours, make yummy food and drink some beer. Then Ang and Clint, Andie and Tim, Darcy and Tom, & Amy and Curt joined us to eat some some Wii...and enjoy Kiera and Tom's company! We had a great time...LOTS of great food...Alan outdid himself on the ribs, THE ROCKED! What a fun night, miss Kiera and Tom so much!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Statement of the Year!

So this year I made a couple New Year's Resolutions that I felt would be a wonderful addition to my life. One of which was to focus on the people in my life that bring love and stop putting so much effort into those that cause drama, heartache, and negativity. Today my Aunt Moe posted the below statement on Facebook. She got it from a friend who got it from a friend and so on and asked for it to be passed has since become my new motto.
It truly puts what my resolution meant into words!

"There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and the people who create it. Then you surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones that don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of Life...getting back up is LIVING."

I hope by sharing this with all of you, it will mean something as well. Thank you to all of those who make my world and life a better place! I appreciate you!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Visiting the Madster and Jenny Lou

Big Hugs for the Maddy Girl!

Giving her smooches!

Look at that face!

The ever so popular "ooowwww" face!

She's running around all over --- even walks on her own too!

Big Smiles with our drawer full of fun!

READY...SET...Tip the tower!

Our sneaky game of hide and seek!

This is when I said "smile for the camera"...LOL

Gimmie that belt buckle Aunt Manda!

This is how we drink tea during our tea parties!

Cutest little face and cheekers!

So I think the comments I make, "I wanna eat your face" have become contagious! LOL

Waffles all spread out nicely for me to eat for breakfast!!!

Hey Aunt Manda...I see you have a zipper there on your fleece...I WANT IT! LOL

Such a fun day with Maddy and Jenny! That little sweets is doing so many funny things! Walking, talking, and just being plain silly willy! We danced to our favorite Country Music Videos, played with all kinds of great toys, read books, played hide and seek, had delicious tea parties, ate yummy food, kissed a lot, and just had a wonderful day! The Madster is walking on her own some now and it's so fun to watch! Wish I could have stayed all week!!!! Love you Maddy Lou and Jenny!

Norma's Birthday

Norma and Laurie

The ladies at lunch.

Norma doing a birthday shot after saying "no birthday shots"...LOL

Julie finding many alternative uses for my scraper/brush!

What's up Dot?

Kori and I at Hazy's

Rusty (aka Stranger) making Stacy usual!

Saturday we surprised Norma while she was getting a pedicure. Brought her to lunch and drinks then met her back for her birthday party where we had decorated without her knowing. She was very happy and quite surprised. The massive amounts of snow caused road travel to be quite Norma told us to leave! LOL She was scared for us. So we ended up back in Springfield at Hazy's for the night...we had a blast though! Happy Birthday Norma Jean!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maddy the Rock Star!

These just crack me up!!!! First of all --- I am in love with her thighs! Secondly...can it get much cuter than her looking in the mirror like..."hey...who is that person trying to be like me?" Sooooo stinkin' cute I can't even stand it! Go Maddy Rocker!

Oh sooo proud!

Look at how strong and proud Sugar is standing by her "catches" of the day! I am just so in love with this picture!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You are welcome Sugar...

Sugarpants is going to LOVE me when I get home tonight!!!! She got a new Bucket-O-Balls...48 brand new bright yellow tennis balls to play fetch with 24/7! YIPPIE!!!!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Spa Day with Mom

Julie (aka Mrs. Lee) peaking in on us!

Mom and I waiting to get our facials and body'll need to excuse the no make-up! LOL

Look how lovely you we look with the hardening masks on...LOL too funny!

Mom and I had a great time being pampered for a couple hours on Saturday morning. We each got facials and body wraps at Xenon (where Julie works). After we went to mom's and ate a yummy lunch and played cards/dice games with Don. Then we all started getting silly and playing with the magnifying glass! LMAO we were peeing our pants laughing at these silly we are...but that is what life is all about! If you can't laugh at yourselves...then life would be so boring!!!!

Alayna Jane...

The card above is what the Schramm Fam sent out for New Year's! How hilarious!!!!

Angela took such gorgeous pictures of Alayna for Christmas!!!! She is such a cutie pie!