Monday, August 31, 2009

Battery operated mouse causes a scene!

Well --- as you see from the video, Nakoma doesn't care much for this battery powered mouse! LOL Sugar doesn't really know what to think...I think she is more confused as to why Koma is barking at it so much! When we shut it off --- Sugar decided it was a fun chew toy! LOL so in the pic above Koma is still a bit apprehensive of that crazy little creature!

Sugarpants and friends

Big girl in the drive way at Grandpa's!
Throw the ball throw the ball throw the ball...Koma never stops FETCHING!

WHOA NELLY --- look at that tongue!

Sugar is rapidly growing and will soon be as big as Koma!

Pretty girl in grandpa's plants!!!

Hide and seek with the baby girl


Happy Birthday Cari Jo

Who me? Is it my birthday???
Me with Traci Sue at Brownies
Traci Sue and her cheese popcorn...that she WOULDN'T LET GO OF!

Traci and Cari Jo

Me with the Birthday Girl!

Went out to celebrate Cari's birthday on Saturday night. Brownies, Good Times, Stacks, then a little Jaggin' on the way to eat breakfast at Sapp Bros. MMM MMM Good!
Happy Birthday Cari Jo! Had a great time celebrating with you.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Just a you are looking in your closet trying to find something to wear out...DON'T decide on wearing your beater!


This one is for you JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben and Jake

Jake and Ben --- my Mom and Don went to visit them in Colorado so we FINALLY have pictures!
Ben on the Bungee trampoline!

Jake on the Bungee trampoline.

Man I am jealous...I want to go on the bungee trampoline!

Ben and Jake with Grandma!!! (my mom)

Look at them blue eyes!!!

We goin' skiin?

Fun times with Grandpa!

Ben is a "mini" of my brother Corey!

Look at his little belt!!! LOL how cute!

Sleepy boys!

ADORABLE picture

Jake on the swings

Ben climing trees!
My mom and Don went to Colorado to visit my brother Corey, his girlfriend Susse, and my nephews Ben and Jake. They are all so busy so we don't get a ton of pictures...I am so happy mom and Don brought a bunch back! Great to see the boys! They just love Grandpa and Grandma Larsen!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My little SEEEESTER has a baby belly!

My little seeeeester Jenny Lou --- 18 weeks pregnant.
This is baby Madalyn Lou ---- growing big!

Monday, August 24, 2009


This is Sugar's Good Morning routine every day! I usually shower and start getting ready while Alan takes her outside and plays with her a little...then I pop out and surprise her. This is always her reaction! LOL ---- always makes for a great start to my day!

Sugar and Koma --- playing away!

Sugar and Nakoma playing playing playing!



Sittin' like a big girl in the back of the ranger.
LOOK at all my extra skin...LOL

Wanna play, wanna play???

Awww such a prettty baby!

Congratulations Brother Tim!

Katie pinning on Tim's new shiny metal! 2nd Lieutenant Wobig!
The picture Huston took of grandma and grandpa.
Baby Jaxon!!

Tim and Kati's puppy Wilson! He is a yellow lab/golden retreiver mix!

Huston giving me a "chheeesssee"

My dad with Jaxon.

My step mom Debbie with Huston.

On Saturday my brother Tim graduated from Officer school for the Army. His wife Kati had a celebration at their house so got to see the family ... always enjoy spending time with them!

Congratulations Timmy --- we are very proud of you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Seriously...I don't think she could get any cuter!

My favorite man in the world and my favorite baby girl!
Doesn't get much better than this!!!!!
AAAAAAAHHHH look at all the loose skin on her neck!
Does that mean she has a ton more to grow?

She is as long as her daddy's legs!
(on a side note Alan's feet look hilarious...SKI'S!)

Big Girl!

AWW sleeping on her bed!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My sister Jenny and her husband Ross just left their ultrasound and IT'S A GIRL! I have been so anxious and excited to find I get to go shopping for my new little niece!

Can't wait to meet you....Madelyn Lou Haselhorst! Yep...they already have the name! Our little Lou Lou!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Look at the beautiful little Rainbow Princess!!! Lori sent this today of her daughter Brooke...she is so adorable but this picture is just gorgeous!