Wednesday, April 20, 2011

OH Sugarbear...

This is so hilarious! When we play fetch with Sugar we use the goes farther and it saves on the arm! Alan was playing with her for awhile then went to go fix something in the he set the Chuck-It down. Then coming after him he sees Sugar...with the Chuck-It in her mouth..."Hey Dad, seems you left something behind, don't worry I will bring it to you!" LOL She is too funny!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sneak Peak of the Marco House...

Here is a little computer rendering of the house Alan and I are building in Marco Island. We're deciding between 2 builders now...kinda weird to think of someone else building it instead of Alan! He is just too busy here to leave and take care of, the codes and regulations are so different we may as well let someone who builds there do it. Don't ya just love what our draftsman envisions us driving! LOL Can't see Alan riding a scooter...too funny. This won't be the exact paint color or anything but gives you a general idea of what the house will look like. Hoping for a December completion date so we can get some people renting it over the holidays (if it were up to me it would be us...LOL). I had a blast sitting down with the draftsman to tell him our vision. He did a great job of taking my ideas and making them a reality. It will be 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, pool with open pool deck and a covered screened in porch on the back. I am excited because we'll have one of the master closets that locks and we can keep some stuff there with no worries of renters bothering it. Then the one car garage will just be ours as well and will lock to the inside so no one renting can access it. Will be great for storage of fishing equipment, bikes, a car if we get one, etc. To say I am excited would be a HUGE understatement. If you are looking for a great couples, family, or multi-family vacation Marco is a great place to go!

While daddy is away.

LOL we played a little fighting tug and the head came off her toy. So we took a picture and sent it to Alan while he was gone. She is such a good sport! LOL

Sent this and said, "miss you daddy"...I just love her expression. Looks like she is kinda sad and does miss him!!!

Alan's Spoonbill

Alan went Spoonbill snagging with a bunch of guys to Miami, Oklahoma this past weekend. Here are a couple he snagged. MMM MMM Good, I can't wait to smoke some up! Sugar and I missed him lots and were so happy to see him on Sunday night!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Little Miss has her first piggies...

How stinkin' adorable is this picture??? Little Miss Alayna with her piggy tails! LOL OHHHHH I wanna flick em'! She is such a cute baby!!! What a good sport...I think maybe photographer mommy takes a few pics of her! LOL

Prettiest hunter around...

A hunting buddy of Alan's must have found this picture on his camera (or finally uploaded it). He just sent it...but man I am in love with it! She looks so poised and intense...just so gorgeous!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This picture cracks me up! It is Dad & Debbie's goggy (yes I said goggy). Or as Maddy would say "ODO...ODO"... it is quite possible he likes his new bed! LOL

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ummm how much cuter can you get?

REALLY??? I mean REALLY??? How much cuter can one little girl get? That hat is a riot!

OMG look at that face, and that dress...I want one to fit me too! SAY CHEESE!

OHHH bath time! What a happy face!

I love it when my sister texts me pictures of the Maddy girl. It always brightens my day!!! Keep em' coming Jenny Lou!

While mom and dad are away....

We are so lucky to have Alan's dad so close to us and that he loves Sugarpants so much. When we go out of town he watches her and Sugar gets to play with her Aunt Koma. As you can see I think Grandpa, Sherry, Colton, and Brandis spoil them just a tad while we're away...but I guess that is what Grandparents are supposed to do huh? LOL

Shaving the Sugarpants...

The Sugarbear got a little trim action on Saturday! That mane she grew over the winter was so thick and long! She has started swimming a lot again and she wouldn't dry forever! Plus, with the warm weather she was a panting fool! Alan showed off his barbering skills and trimmed her all up. She wasn't overly excited about the whole thing...but I am sure she thinks it was worth it. Not only for the temp difference but she got to play lots of fetch in the water and off the dock after! She is so white now!!! LOL So adorable as usual.

Monday, April 4, 2011


What a great weekend!!! Got to spend some time with my little niece Maddy and had a blast. She is so funny and has such an adorable personality. She really likes Papa and Grandma's new house cause it's so big and open she can run wild! LOL She started calling my dad "Papa" all on her own and it is sooooo adorable. Their dog Ottie is now "OhDo" in which Maddy says quite frequently! Jenny and Dad went to Carter's on a little shopping spree and got Maddy some adorable clothes as you can see from the pictures! We had a little fashion show and Maddy just had a riot holding all the new outfits! On Saturday night I got to change her for bed give her her bottle and put her down for was a lot of fun for me to have a little one on one time with the Madster! She is also warming up to Big Uncle Alan...she smiles and flirts a lot when he is around!!! So happy she is getting healthier every day and can now spend more time with us!!! Love you Maddy girl!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lovin' my new purse...

OHHHH how cute is this new purse I got???? Alan's mom, Ev, got me a gift certificate to Coop de Ville (and AWESOME boutique in Lousiville) for my birthday so I swing by this week and saw this....I had to have it! It is black and big yet full of spring with the colorful flowers! Lots of great pockets and pouches inside to hide everything and make it all organized! Thanks for the gift card Ev!!!

Sneak Peak of the SUGARSHOOT...

Angela decided to do a little Sugarshoot on Saturday night...and here is just a sneak peak! She has 55 shots and I can't wait to see them all! She was able to capture all kinds of amazing "Sugar looks" and a lot of her tricks! It was so much fun! Can't wait until it's nice so we can do it again outside! Check out Angela's work at she is amazing!