Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cattlemen's Ball

Meet Flash...a mix of a mini-donkey and a shetland pony!
Flash is at our friend Tom's parents house in Doniphan, NE

Look at how cute...he is just a teeny bit bigger than Sugar!

Kiera and I at the golf outing

Alan showing his massive leg strength!

Alan and I at the Friday night reception by the Platte River

All 4 of us after the golf outing.


My thought of my last shot!

Showing Kiera she is light!

Getting some much needed A/C in the golf course bar.

Keeda and Tom!

Kiera and I at the start of the day.

Alan with his club and me with my beer! LOL Kinda how the day played out.

Ut oh...the Mic Ultra's are kicking in!

The intense golfer...

he has to watch where the ball goes cause he hits is so darn far we can't see it

Me with Reggie Shaw--- an up and coming Country Star~

Kiera and I at the Saturday meal...before Randy Travis starts.

So cute!

A quick pose before the concert starts....

there he is...a country legend!

Sing it to me Randy!

he did a great job...and I got to stand just a few feet from him!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend Party

We had a party on Saturday for Memorial Weekend. What a perfect day for a party!!! Light wind and tons of sun! Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. We had tons of great food, people played volleyball, lots of people swam and soaked up the sun! We ended up having about 150 people so it was a great time!

Dana and I
Me having Sugar do tricks...Alan wondering why I am such a freak! My face cracks me up!!!

Dana and Kori

Kori and Summer beauty Sienna!

Stacy and Rusty --- yes that is Rusty's biggest smile!

Kelly with her boys on the boat ride!

Julia with the girls on a boat ride.

Yee Haw! They loved going fast!

Me, Jules, and Stacy with cute little Lexi

Travis showing his love for Lisa.

Sarah and I posing for the camera

Lexi was the Hula Hoop Goddess!

The Hartranft ladies on the boat ride.
Thank you to all who came out to the party!!! It was great seeing everyone. And a special THANK YOU to Dana for taking all the pictures!

Alayna's baptism...

Angela and Clint with Alayna right before the baptism ceremony.
So pretty!

Chad (Ang's Brother) and I are the Godparents.

I was blessing her by making the sign of the cross on her forehead.

During the ceremony

Getting ready for the big plunge!

No tears! Good Job Alayna!

I just love this picture of Jack on Alan's cute!!!

Lexi's Gymnastic's Program

Lexi had a Gymnastics Program at Kids Bodyshop. It was really adorable to see her on the bars, balance beam, horse, etc. She did a great job and was all smiles to see us there!