Thursday, July 21, 2011

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOOK AT ME GO! LOL Alan bought me a wakeboard, I had mentioned that maybe I'd like to learn some day when my rib heals...and that the board that works for me would probably work for Jackson as well. The next day after I mentioned it...he ordered one! LOL We got it last night and I was excited to try...although this rib isn't quite right. I got up on the first try...and we've discovered I'm a "goofy foot". LOL In wakeboarding terms that means right foot in the front! I read on how to decide...kinda funny they said "stand up, close your eyes and have someone gently push you from behind...the leg you step out with first is your front leg. OR What leg do you start with when putting on pants?? Right or Left? That also should be your front leg." Mine was the right. Alan wakeboards "regular foot" which is left front. I had him test the theories and it was correct! So --- Alan put on my bindings with right foot front. I popped right up out of the water and made it around until I tried to do funny stuff! LOL We thought maybe I should try 'regular foot" just to see if it was better. Alan switched out my bindings (good job remembering to bring the drill babe!) and out I went...I was able to get up again but oh lordy it felt really awkward! LOL --- so back in the boat, Alan to the rescue to switch it back! LOL OOPS...oh well, now we know. I was able to cut across both sides of the wake and Alan giggled..."look at you getting all gutsy" when I was trying other board tricks I remember him doing! LOL Then my hands were about to fall off so I knew I was done soon...and decided I'd try and jump the wake ...NOPE that didn't work out...LOL BUT it was a ton of fun tyring. Ribs are a bit sore but not too bad. I hope the rain gets all done today so I can go again tonight. UT OH, I think Alan may have created a monster! LOL Give me a little time, I'll be doing 360's and flips! LOL

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