Monday, July 18, 2011

Catfish or Sharks????

Had a great weekend! Friday night went to our friend Norma's for a party --- then went to Dad and Deb's that night so we could see the crazy insane swarming catfish! Oh my...they looked like sharks in the ocean getting ready to attack! Their dock light works awesome! They started throwing out cheap dog food at night and watching the "show"...25-50 catfish at a time...and big ones! It is just insane to watch. We tried it at our place and nothing happened! LOL Our light attracts the crappy white perch is all...but thousands of them! So it's still crazy to see I guess.

Jenny and Maddy were at there too so we stayed the night and got to spend time with them on Saturday. Making salsa, snapping beans, and boat rides! LOL Alan and I had a party Saturday night at some friends...then Travis was having a party so went there for a couple hours. Sunday Alan and I got the boat all spiffed up, took the kids skiing and then rested a bit. Went to Travis' to hang by the pool then to Ang and Clint's for a DELICIOUS supper with the Schramm Fam and the Petersen's. Always fun seeing them all and playing with the kids. Food was amazing too. Alan got his fill of steak that's for sure! We should have taken a picture of them...OMG HUGE! Thanks Schramm Fam for inviting us! ;-)

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